I see my work as pebbles being dropped into the pond and I believe that the ripples will be vast and long-lasting
The world in which we exist is a world of energy. Energy is neutral and energy is in
The Chinese call it Qi. The Japanese call it Ki. The Yogis call it Prana. It’s the vital life force energy. This is the invisible “bio energy” or “subtle energy” that is
fundamental to sustaining life.

I invite you to unblock your Qi and live your best life. Energy blockages can manifest as physical discomforts like tightness, tension, aches and pain in your body, hindering your overall well-being

Ten years ago, I heard the Dalai Lama say, "I haven't met anyone who is a stranger." This sparked my journey towards greater openness, honesty, courage, and love.
Combining my roles as a holistic healer and theater practitioner, I strive to create a transformative space that fosters health, vitality, compassion, presence, mindfulness, and heart liberation. My aim is to inspire individuals to live fully from their hearts and become their best selves.
Transformation begins within

Generational Healing
Clear ancestral wounds and imprints of six generations. Live fully, from the heart, liberated and whole.

Sound Healing
Purge toxic energy from your vital organs, cultivate nourishing Qi and promote happiness and harmony.

Divine Feminine Healing
Bloom from within! Tap into your radiance, creative power, authenticity and build your dream world.

Breath Of Life
Unleash your true potential and live a life of vitality, joyfulness and resilience with the Breath of Life course.

Breathwork & Qi Gong
The quality of our breathing affects the quality of our lives. Unlock your breath and reclaim your power.
Breath of Life: Waking Up to Who You Are
Experience the transformative power of Breath of Life, a one-of-a-kind program that empowers you to reclaim control over your energy and release the burdens of ‘seed patterns’ and inner limitations that weigh down your chakras, energy/subtle bodies, and auric field.
Led by Dilreen, this step-by-step program facilitates a profound extraction, cleansing, and disintegration of negative energies, blockages, programs, and vibrations, penetrating to the cellular level and transmuting them into pure love. As these undesired energies are cleared, you can embrace a life filled with love and compassion once again.


In early 2021, Dilreen played a vital role in my recovery after a 27-day hospitalisation for severe lung damage caused by Covid. Her breathwork exercises significantly contributed to restoring my lung function, and I am forever grateful for her guidance. Additionally, Dilreen partnered with me on a corporate project, teaching breathwork and movement techniques to 40 employees over four months. The quality of her teaching ranks with the best in class that I have witnessed.Her teaching style effortlessly combined Hindi and English, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the exercises. Dilreen's expertise and presence were highly commendable throughout the program.
Vinit Taneja
Founder, Tresonance Consulting
Sessions with Dilreen have been nothing short of a revelation. In the last few months, I have noticed my thoughts, emotions and the physical body responding differently to life’s situations. Mentally and emotionally I feel calmer, happier and more at peace with myself. Perhaps the most noticeable physical change for me has been the intensity of my PMS cramps. The pain and symptoms have greatly improved and for the first time in my life, I don’t have to rely on painkillers to get me through the first couple of days. I attribute this change to the energy healing movements and breathing exercises Dilreen has shared with me over the many sessions. With her effervescent personality and vast wisdom and knowledge, Dilreen gently guides you towards finding your inner light. I could not have asked for a better guide in my spiritual journey.
Twishaa Sharma
Brand Strategist, New Delhi
In January 2021, I was diagnosed with 3rd stage cancer and underwent radiation treatment until April 2021. During the subsequent six-week waiting period for additional tests, I explored alternative treatments such as herbal remedies, homoeopathy, Buddhist chanting, mantra chanting, affirmations, and an intense pranic healing program with Dilreen. Dilreen's pranic healing sessions helped me cleanse my chakras, find inner peace, and face the challenges of cancer with determination. I must admit it was one of my most beautiful experiences to see and hear her daily helping me cleanse all my Chakras, still and calm my mind and build the strength to face the scary ‘C’ word that had suddenly entered my life. She did emotional, spiritual, mental, physical and cellular healing for me, cleaning out my ‘baggage’ stored in the Chakras over the years, releasing pent up emotions, forgiving and forgetting the wrongs done to me and helping to enter a space of calm, joy and peace. With her vast training in multiple healing techniques, body movements, breathing and meditation formats, we were determined to rid me of the tumour. I felt energised, revitalised and at peace at the end of every session with tensions and stress released and the strength to accept the disease and fight it with determination and positivity.With Dilreen's support, I successfully eliminated the tumour by the end of the six weeks. I am grateful to Dilreen and my other doctors for their assistance in my recovery. I highly recommend Dilreen for anyone seeking authentic healing.She is simply amazing!!
Deepak Gupta
Founder & MD, Eden Retirement Living Pvt. Ltd. Ex-Country Head & MD, Korn / Ferry International
“Humans love Drama" - This one liner that Dilreen had shared stayed with me and left a profound impact, which was a game changer for me. To admit that I too liked Drama was embarrassing for a thriving perfectionist like me. Over my sessions with Dilreen, I realised that drama is unhealthy. To live healthy is to soak in purity and love and to take deep long breaths. I’m learning with diligence to let go of Drama, slowly and steadily. Thanks Dilreen for helping me understand and release this attribute. Love your one liners..gratitude, generosity and forgiveness are now etched in my heart.
Anju Sharma
Interior Designer, New Delhi
It was extremely expedient to attend her sessions. Not only have I received healing but also abundant knowledge and answers that were due for a very long time. A true healer with genuine gift, talent and interest in helping others while making an effort to improve herself endlessly. Every time I've had group sessions with my other friends guided by Dilreen, I felt an overwhelming sense of well-being, healing and a grand presence of higher beings or Divine beings giving me chills and warm to hot sensations which I couldn't have possibly imagined out of thin air.
Arathi Kurahatti
IT Consultant , Chantilly, US
Dilreen’s sessions are a great way to de-stress. Her soothing voice, her calm demeanour helps me still the mind, calm my emotions, connect with my inner soul and experience pure joy and inexplicable peace. She is a treasure trove of knowledge and teaches something new every week, be it exercises, breathing techniques, or meditation formats. Her generosity and kindness heal the spirit and leave one rejuvenated and revitalised. I am ever grateful for all her support and love and wish her the very best in all her endeavours.
Farhana Ritesh
Entrepreneur, Bangalore
I can't explain how much her sessions have helped me, especially the first one after Scotch left. The pain and heavy feeling on my chest and brain fog just lifted in seconds and my grief suddenly turned into gratitude towards Scotch for choosing us to be in his short life.
Jyotsana Bhasin
Pretoria, South Africa
I have experienced healing at the hands of Dilreen and its a surreal experience…
Dr. Sumathi Ravindranath
Founder/Director: Discover Montessori & Discover Momentum (Learning Centre for Children with Special Needs) -Editor, Follow the Child - Chairperson, Indian Montessori Centre