Divine Feminine Healing
Reclaim your radiance, creative power, wisdom, joy, vitality and authenticity and bloom from within
Did you know that your womb holds a record of every sexual encounter you’ve had, whether wanted or unwanted, loving or unloving? These experiences are stored deep within the tissues and cells of your pelvic area, reproductive system, and womb, and can last for years, even lifetimes.
Your womb space is an incredibly powerful area of your body, housing the ability to create life. As a woman, you possess a great power – the power to bring forth new life and to shape the world around you.
It's time to remember who you truly are - a powerful, wise, and loving being, with the ability to channel your creative essence to build the life you want and to bring your dreams to fruition

The program consists of two key components:
- 1. Cleansing and purification: This component focuses on eliminating old, stagnant energies, blockages, limiting patterns, and disempowering beliefs from the physical and etheric body, auric field, chakras, and 100,000 trillion network of cells. The goal is to flush out any negativity and make way for positive energy and a renewed sense of vitality.
- 2. The Rite of the Womb Ceremony: This powerful, ancient healing and blessing ceremony connects participants to an unbroken lineage of medicine women from the jungles of the Andes. Its purpose is to heal women of all the pain, fear, shame, sadness, and trauma they carry in their bellies from this life and past lives. The ceremony offers an opportunity to release negative energies and emotions and to connect with a deep sense of inner peace and healing.

Benefits of the Divine Feminine Healing program:
- Activate your ability to connect to others and attract more healthy and loving relationships into your life
- Flush out negative energies and old limiting patterns, set your voice free and reclaim your creative force and joyfulness
- Free yourself from fear, pain or humiliation
- Cultivate self-confidence and self-awareness
- Reconnect with your heart and fall in love with yourself all over again